Since 1980, we prepared people for retirement. Our clients don't lose money.


You’ll find a wealth of information here that can be helpful in your financial planning. There are articles on financial topics, calculators, research reports, and links to other financial websites.

Our clients tell us that our seminars are unique because they are 90% education and 10% sales, unlike others that are 90% sales and 10% education. We hope that our website follows the same formula—we are committed to an educated clientele!

For people who are considering becoming clients, we welcome you to this site. It will help you learn more about who we are. We hope you take advantage of this resource and visit us often. Be sure to add our site to your list of bookmarks in your Internet browser. We frequently update our information, and we wouldn’t want you to miss any developments in the area of personal finance.

You will always find a list of upcoming seminars (link below or the to right) and we invite you to attend and bring friends and neighbors who are also committed to being educated about retirement planning and other financial issues.

Our Mission

At Landmark Senior Resources, we believe that the key to never running out of money in retirement is capital preservation and a decent rate of return on the funds in your nest egg.

With more than 30 years of working with retirees, our firm specializes in providing choices for our clients who are searching for an alternative to buy-and-hold and asset allocation strategies. We specialize in financial tools that are guaranteed, tax-favorable, and have a rate of return that tends to stays ahead of inflation.

We believe that every retiree needs to have solid planning in all areas of financial risk, including planning to preserve wealth in the face of taxation and inflation, funding long term care, and passing on funds to your heirs with minimal taxation.

We work with a cadre of trusted financial associates who provide complementary financial and planning services. With our experience in wealth preservation and planning for an uncertain future, we offer our clients financial freedom and peace of mind.


Bedford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.
— John Smith, Nature Conservancy Magazine

What We've Achieved

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